Thursday, May 4, 2006


This is a very touchy and serious subject to talk about. Most people don't believe that they evolved from other creatures that took millions of years to finally come to present form. I personally don't believe that because I think that it is highly improbable that God would design the world that way. People that believe in evolution probably believe in the big bang also. If you believe in the big bang, that states that there was this big flash and pow the world was created. My thiery is that if you believe this you don't believe in God Almighty who made heaven and earth with His own hands. Most schools now teach evolution and the schools that don't teach it have already or soon will be taken to court. The thought that we came from apes is absolutely wrong and is kind of stupid that Darwin came up with that idea. For the Bible says in Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." There are many more scriptures that declare the same thing, that God designed and created the earth.

Monday, May 1, 2006


As 1 Timothy 6:10 says," The love of money is the root of all evil."Many people would kill a best friend for their money. I once read a story about a greedy young man who was so selfish that nobody wanted to be his friend. A young man in the Bible was so greedy that he couldn't give his possesions to the poor to follow Jesus. I would have followed Jesus definitely. Some people do stupid things for money and then regret doing it afterwards. I admit to being greedy somtimes but, most people can say the same thing.